The tent boasts entry from any side, giving you 360 access and view. The roof of the BunduTop is a raw aluminium sheet to ensure maximum heat reflection and is the main reason you can sleep comfortably cool inside, even in direct sun-light. The frame built into the bottom of the tent provides additional strength and makes it versatile to mount. It can be bolted directly to your load bars or roof rack. The tent has been tested extensively in various locations and weather types.
From R42,790.00
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The awning works with five to six arms which, when open, allows coverage of 2 or 3 sides of your vehicle. The arms work in a triangular force which gives the awning more strength. By covering three sides the triangular structure is complete and gives additional structural support. When each arm is opened, another small arm situated on top of the main arm, pops up and provides additional height to the slope of the roof to give better water drainage and prevents large pockets of water collecting on top of your awning.
From R17,930.00
Learn More Get QuoteBUNDUSUITE
The BunduSuite can be used as a standalone dressing room for your privacy needs, or in conjunction with the BunduAnnex for a fully closed entrance to your BunduTop. It is nearly double the width of the cube, offering an annex to your BunduTop.
From R6,820.00
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Our BunduAnnex (Added Room) follows the same product guidelines – ease of use. It offers a private entry to your tent and keeps off the rain. It has openings on each side at the top which due to it’s nature cannot be permanently closed. The side panel used to enclose it is a basic design that offers privacy and ventilation. It was also designed to be easy to use and remove and does not offer any luxurious trimmings, but rather a straightforward design with utility in mind.
From R6,160.00
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The BunduCube is one of the the latest products on offer from BunduTec – it can be used as a shower cubicle or a dressing room for your privacy needs.
From R4,840.00
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